

At Simply Therapy, we also offer a comprehensive Physiotherapy service which can be carried out over the phone in the comfort of your own home or in person at one of our many office locations at a time that suits you.

We offer physiotherapy from qualified clinicians who have experience working in various sectors of healthcare, who are able to treat a wide range of people and rehabilitate them back to their normal selves and provide effective solutions that help increase independent self-management. As Qualified and registered Chartered Physiotherapists we are always committed to working ethically and safely and will consistently uphold confidentiality.

Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when a person is affected by injury, illness or disability. Taking part in Physiotherapy can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future.

Here at Simply Therapy our therapist will always take a holistic approach to treatment that involves the patient directly in the management their own care, (putting you in the drivers seat).

We have offices in Greater Manchester, Rossendale, Lancashire as well as our Bury office.

  • Telephone Consultation
  • Home Exercise Programmes
  • Face to Face Treatment
  • Massage
  • Road traffic Accidents
  • Pre & Post Operations help
  • Preparation for sporting events
  • Myofascial Release
  • Gait Training
  • Cryotherapy Advice
  • Advice on Electrotherapy

Furthermore, as Physiotherapy is a holistic practice will employ combined approachs to rehab that infuse different elements of specific therapies together so that all the needs of the patient are met.

Who we work with:

  • NHS
  • Medico-legal Companies
  • Healthcare Associates i.e. Dr’s & psychologists
  • Private Sectors
  • GP’s
  • Legal Advisors
  • A multitude of clients from all backgrounds
  • Lawyers/Solicitors

Counselling services: change counselling services to Rehabilitation or Therapy services

At Simply Therapy, Bury, Rossendale, Lancashire and Greater Manchester, we offer a tailor made flexible bespoke counselling and physiotherapy service which can be carried out in one of our exclusive offices, in the comfort of your own home or suitable location.

Benefits of seeing a Physiotherapist

Physiotherapy is an important part of treatment for most people presenting with some form of physical dysfunction. It’s performed by physiotherapists, who form part of a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals who help you to resume or maintain your activity and independent lifestyle both at home and work. Physiotherapists are experts in assessing movement and can show you how to protect your joints and muscles so that you can get back to your normal daily life. Your physiotherapist at Simply Therapy will:

  • Offer advice and reassurance
  • Help you to feel confident about managing your condition
  • Address any concerns or uncertainties
  • Set appropriate goals to keep you as active as possible.

Your physiotherapist will start by asking you questions and examine areas of the body you’re finding painful. This assessment will let them tailor the treatment to your needs. Treatment may include:

  • a programme of specific exercises
  • general advice on increasing your activity level and avoiding exercise-related injuries
  • pain-relief treatments such as heat or ice packs, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) machines, massage, manipulation, acupuncture or taping
  • providing walking aids or splints to help you stay mobile and independent.

When should you seek the support of a Physiotherapist?

Physiotherapy isn’t a treatment reserved for elite athletes, or even for those recovering from an injury. In fact it can be used to improve your health in many surprising ways. Here are five signs that you may need physiotherapy.

1. Loss of balance

Loss of balance can be as a result of issues with your inner ear. The structures inside your ear are an essential part of your body’s balance system (known as the vestibular system). Any conditions or problems that affect the inner ear can leave you feeling a range of symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo and balance disturbance which can be extremely difficult to live with. A physiotherapy treatment called vestibular rehabilitation can be used to overcome these symptoms. After assessing your specific needs a physiotherapist can design a series of head, neck and eye exercises to help retrain your central nervous system to compensate for the inner ear problems. Vestibular rehabilitation can be used both as an alternative to surgery and an addition to surgery for inner ear conditions.

2. You get pain at your desk

It is quite common to feel pain when sitting at your desk all day. This could manifest in the form of backache or headache for example. Our bodies love movement and staying in one posture for too long can mean that our muscles and joints can start to strain, causing pain. Regular breaks from the desk, even if it is just to stand and stretch or move your neck, upper back and arms can be really helpful. You should also ensure that your desk is set up correctly.

3. You’re in constant pain

When you suffer an injury you would expect to feel a certain amount of pain which would normally settle as the tissue heals. If you’ve ever sprained an ankle, for example, you would expect it to hurt and for you to limp for a couple of weeks, perhaps. As the ligaments heal the pain should decrease until you were back to normal. But sometimes the pain doesn’t settle as expected and becomes chronic. This is particularly common with lower back and neck pain and can be attributed to many factors. Physiotherapists can work with you to assess the issue and provide a targeted exercise and rehabilitation programme that will ease your suffering and get you back to your best. Treatments for pain can include pain education, massage, manipulation and exercises to help you support your damaged body part better and prevent the injury from happening again.

4. You’re not moving as easily as you used to

If you’ve noticed that you don’t feel as flexible or movement isn’t as easy as it used to be – you can’t touch toes any more, for example – then you may benefit from seeing a physiotherapist. Physiotherapists can assess the problem and provide a series of exercises to strengthen the supporting tissues and relax the muscles allowing you to slowly increase your flexibility.

5. You’ve begun to urinate uncontrollably

Urinary incontinence (the uncontrolled passing of urine) is very common, with an estimated three to six million people suffering from the condition to some degree in the UK. It is more common for women than men and becomes more likely as we get older, but that does not mean we will have to live with it forever. There are two main types of urinary incontinence: stress incontinence and urge incontinence. Stress incontinence happens when your bladder is under pressure, for instance when you cough or sneeze. Urge incontinence is when urine leaks as you feel a sudden, intense urge to pass urine, or soon afterwards. Many people suffer from a combination of both. Pelvic floor exercises can help improve the condition, particularly for stress incontinence sufferers.

Listen to your body. If there’s something that’s niggling, twinging, or just not feeling right, get it checked out by booking an appointment with one of our physiotherapists.

About Us:

Simply Therapy, Physiotherapy is based in Bury (Manchester) with offices in Rossendale and Manchester. We form up from a team of professional chartered Physiotherapist’s who treat each patient as an individual as we understand that each person is unique. This allows us to tailor our services around you’re the individual’s needs, dilemmas and preferences.

Our amazing clinicians make us who we are and lift us above the competition with a national network of  directly employed practitioners delivering upwards of 80,000 treatment sessions every year. Enabling people to make headway after illness and injury, step back in to work after accidents, or simply stay active and keep moving forward in their daily lives. As a result we support the individual by putting in place measures and joint action plans where the staff member agrees and is signed up and happy to work towards enabling self-fulfilment, confidence, motivation and productivity in their place of work.

Our services are flexible where you can come to see us within our work place or your home or organisation. We offer various ways of counselling to suit your individual requirements which include:

  • Telephone Consultation
  • Home Exercise Programmes
  • Face to Face Treatment
  • Massage
  • Road traffic Accidents
  • Pre & Post Operations help
  • Preparation for sporting events
  • Myofascial Release

We have experience working with health organisations, local authorities, charities, other public sector bodies and small, medium sized enterprises.

Simply Therapy offer a Counselling and Psychotherapy and Physiotherapy service in the Bury, Rossendale and the Greater Manchester area.  We also now offer support to clients in Cheshire.  We work with local GP surgeries, local organisations such as charities, local businesses, housing association, funeral directors, mental health organisations and educational establishments.