Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (C.B.T)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (C.B.T)

Simply Therapy, with offices in Greater Manchester, Bury and Rossendale Lancashire

What is C.B.T?

Our Counsellors are qualified and experienced in working with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (C.B.T) which is a mixture of cognitive and behavioural therapies. They are often combined because how we behave often reflects how we think about certain things or situations. C.B.T is a talking therapy that can help you manage your issues by changing the way you think and behave and enabling you to have a greater understanding by putting in measures to improve your mental health and quality of your life.

depressedAs Counsellor Pyschotherapists we will show you how an individuals thoughts can block perception and you can see things that don’t fit in with what you believe to be true and then the counsellor will work and provide you bespoke therapy and help you to alter your behaviour and thoughts. Our Counsellors  have over 20 years experience and will work and centre around your individual and unique needs and offer you support to enable you to put in place.

We are working with Legal Medical Companies, Insurance and Personal Injury Lawyers dealing with road traffic accidents through providing an extensive C.B.T service to aid recovery. This includes providing extensive Initial assessment reports and discharge reports as part of the process.

You could carry on and hold on to these thoughts and not learn anything new and not deal with the negative thoughts  that have impacted on your life. C.B.T can concentrate on the present rather than the past. But with C.B.T our experienced, trained and qualified counsellors will be working with you also look at your past and how your past experiences impact on the issues you face in your life in the here and now..

With C.B.T you can manage your issues in a more positive way, giving you the opportunity to examine how your actions can affect how you think and feel which will give you a greater understanding to your emotions and thought processes.

Our Counsellor will use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to help  an individual member to identify their distressing thoughts and evaluate how realistic the thoughts are as their views may be distorted, out of context and inaccurate . The individual can identify and learn to change their distorted thinking. When they think more logically, eradicate the distress the issues cause, they can then explore more effectively and be enabled to find a solution to deal with the problem, change behaviour and feel better as a consequence and improve mental health and well being.

By talking, exploring, analysing and thereby changing your behaviour can change how you think cognitively and what you do in your life i.e. your behaviour and alter the negative behaviour that you have had to endure in your life. This can make you feel better about yourself and through counselling we will help you move on positively and take control of your life.

How effective is C.B.T?

The C.B.T Counsellor can help deal with in a practical way where you can have a greater understanding and  manage your current issues and problems such as depression, anxiety, panic, anger, phobias, chronic fatigue, obsessive compulsive disorders, alcohol and substance misuse, eating disorders and post traumatic stress disorder. Our psychotherapist will work with you and offer you support in order to move on forward and lead a meaningful life.

CBT counselling may be used to treat an individual member with health related conditions which can include irritable bowel syndrome where the therapy cannot cure the physical symptom such as arthritis but can help you put in measures in place to support you in managing the issues, ailment and helps you to enhance your mental health and well being.

How does C.B.T work?

Our Counsellor Psychotherapist using C.B.T will offer and work by helping you to break your issues and problems down into smaller parts and putting the pieces together to enable you to manage the issue. C.B.T helps you to breakdown the problem which makes you feel uncomfortable and anxious and enable you to manage the concern.

By breaking down the problem into bite sized chunks you can see how the problems are linked together and the effect on your life and your mental health. With therapy we will work with you so you can change the negative thoughts feelings and patterns of behaviour that have a detrimental effect on your life.

How can C.B.T help you?

Depression and anxiety are unpleasant and  can seriously affect your ability to work and enjoy life. C.B.T can help you to control the symptoms such as anxiety, depression, panic, anger management. Our counsellors offer a wealth of experience and will enable you to deal with your issues and will tailor the support to centre around your unique needs and support you in the search, exploration and resolution.

brain-cogsYou will usually attend a counselling session once a week with the therapist, each therapy session will be about an hour. Together with the Psychotherapist you will explore what your problems are and develop a plan for tackling them. You will learn a set of principles that you can apply whenever you need to which you will find useful long after you have left therapy.  You are central in making the CBT work and piecing together the jigsaw and putting in measures to deal with your issues.

Think how would you like to be different after receiving C.B.T. Focus on the changes you would like to make in your life , at work, at home, in your relationships with family and friends. What symptoms have been bothering you and which you would like to decrease or eliminate. This includes what would like to improve in your life, such as: increasing exercise, decreasing bad habits, pursuing leisure activities and learning new skills. We offer you a wealth of experience and are qualified counsellor psychotherapists with over 20 years of counselling experience which will empower you to deal with your issues and find solutions that are unique in addressing your personal needs enabling you to take control of your life.

As Counsellors Psychotherapists, we will help you develop an action plan with goals and aspirations to work towards and decide which goals you might be able to work toward on your own and we could jointly monitor its effects and which ones you want to work on in psychotherapy.

At each counselling therapy session you can inform me the issues you have faced in the week or that they expect in the next week. In order to maximise therapy is when you try to bring the therapy session into your everyday life. You are supported in being able to collect data to identify the ideas and behaviours that have interfered with your ability in resolving problems.

As Therapists, we will work with you to develop an action plan to implement at home during the week where you can implement solutions to problems or to make changes in your thinking and thereby actions. This process gets you involved and engaged in your treatment therapy plan. Where you can acknowledge and recognise by making small changes in how you think and what you do daily. When treatment ends you are able to use the skills you have learned in through the C.B.T in your life enabling you to have positive mental health and self fulfilment .

How to maximise  the Counselling Therapy

As Counselling therapists, we will work closely with you and make sure that you try to bring the therapy session into your everyday life. Our Psychotherapist will  make sure you take home notes of triggers and reminders which can include changes in your thinking and an action plan you can follow during the week.

How will you know if therapy is working?

Clients through counselling see a reduction in their symptoms within a few weeks of therapy if they have been undertaking the agreed action plan.

Please do not hesitate to contact our psychotherapist at Simply Therapy and make the first step to change by calling 07429 608873 to book an appointment, or by emailing