SMS Text Counselling

SMS Text Counselling

At Simply Therapy, Bury Manchester with offices in Greater Manchester, Rossendale, Lancashire we offer a tailor made flexible counselling and psychotherapy service you can access from the comfort of your own home or wherever you want as long as you have access to your telephone.We offer counselling from qualified practitioners with over 20 years work experience supporting people by enabling theme to work through their issues and piece together step by step positive solutions that are right for them.

An SMS Text Counselling and Psychotherapy Session involves you writing and sending an in depth text of the problems, issues and concerns that you are facing. The Counsellor will reply with a detailed specific response to help address your specific needs and ask appropriate questions so it is understood what your needs are.

We both jointly agree how we will work together and resolve your issues and move forward in a positive way. We agree the frequency of the texts and timings of the responses.

sms_messageSMS text counselling is a popular choice for a number of reasons:

  • SMS counselling is convenient giving you the opportunity to clearly think and write about the issue you want to discuss at a time which suits you without the need for travelling.
  • This also means that you can discuss their thoughts, feelings and emotions whenever you want, rather than being restricted and having to wait until your next counselling session
  • You may not be ready to have one to one individual counselling therapy sessions and through text  counselling which can provide anonymity, enabling you to talk at ease and more freely, building up the trust and relationship with the psychotherapist
  • Text counselling is a way of communicating to  all ages including those who do not have access to the internet.
  • Texting counselling service is an option for those who live in isolated and rural areas with poor public transport and may suit those who are housebound or find it difficult to leave their home.

If you want to discuss the suitability of the SMS text counselling provision please contact us with your requirements. The service are not suit those who have complex mental health needs.

Single response SMS text messages are charged at £15, however at Simply Therapy we recommend due to the complexity of SMS text counselling that you book more than one session, we offer an optional discounted block booking of 6 SMS responses which are charged at £75.

SmsAt Simply Therapy Counselling and Psychotherapy Service, you will receive a  unique to your needs , in a non judgmental environmental, where you will be supported you all the way in exploring your feelings and emotions and being able to  deal with your problems, issues and dilemmas. As a result you will be enabled, empowered where we will discuss and analyse the most effective way of managing the concerns you have helping you to put in place effective solutions so you will regain control over your life and your troubles and be able to move on positively and grow as an individual .

With Simply Therapy Counselling and Psychotherapy our counsellors are passionate, genuine and driven in making a difference to people’s lives and have substantial experience in improving individuals lives and enabling them to lead enriched and fulfilled lives. As therapists we will work with a wide variety of issues, helping clients to overcome their barriers and obstacles, giving the freedom to explore their thoughts, giving greater insight, express their feelings and feel understood. We will work alongside you and empower you in your way to be able to put in place effective measures which will enable you to deal with your concerns and move forward in life.